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Dual Language Program

Integrating English Learners and English dominant students with the goal of developing culturally-aware, multilingual students.


Contact Us

Robin Farup-Romero
Multilingual Programs Administrator

K-12 Dual Language Program Associates

Oscar Rodriguez

Monique Aguilar     

About Dual Language Education

Dual language education is an effective approach to develop language proficiency and literacy in two languages. The program integrates English speakers and Spanish speakers for academic content instruction through both languages. Students in the Dual Language program learn together and learn from each other, as they share their language and cultural resources.

Our Dual Language Program

Salem-Keizer Public School's dual language program integrates English Learners and English-dominant students with the goal of improving the academic and linguistic performance of all participants. Its mission is to develop critically aware, multilingual students who are equipped to build bridges of intercultural understanding between diverse communities and successfully participate in the global community.

Dual Language Program Goals 

  • Academic achievement at or above grade level in all content areas 
  • High levels of academic bilingualism and biliteracy 
  • Higher levels of cultural pride, self-esteem and intercultural understanding 

Dual Language Program Details

High School Dual Language Program

The high school DL program builds on the content, language, and cultural understandings students developed during middle school. High school dual language programs offer a range of upper-level Spanish language classes as well as two years of Social Studies in Spanish. Students are placed in language classes based on their language proficiency level and take one or more dual language classes per year. Students also have the option of studying a third language.

Apply for Our Dual Language Program

Enrollment Applications

The Magnet school Dual Language programs at Grant, Harritt, and Myers Elementary will accept applications beginning March 1 for students entering kindergarten and first grade in 2025-26.

Dual language program applications submitted by the deadline are reviewed and organized by prioritized criteria. If there are more applicants than spaces available, a lottery is conducted for the remaining spots. Applying does not guarantee placement in the dual language program. Applications are not required for neighborhood school dual language programs.

Prioritized Criteria:

  1. Students who live in the school boundary for the Magnet school.
  2. Students who have siblings in the Magnet school program.
  3. Students who live in the boundary of Salem-Keizer Public Schools but live outside the Magnet school boundary.
  4. Students who live outside of the boundary of Salem-Keizer Public Schools.

Application Process & Deadline

  1. Enroll your student in your neighborhood school.
  2. Complete a Dual Language Magnet school application.
  3. Return a copy of your completed Dual Language application to the Magnet School or Elementary Education Office by March 31, 2025.

Enrollment for Program Participants Coming from Middle School into High School

From Middle to High School

Students who participated in a middle school dual language program are automatically enrolled in the high school dual language program at the corresponding feeder school. Students who are newcomers and students with high levels of Spanish literacy may also join the high school DL program. These students are assessed for Spanish literacy and writing to determine class placements.

Dual Language FAQs