Policies & Documents
Annual notification to parents (required by 581-021-0260)
Parents and student 18 years and older have the following rights regarding student records:
- Inspect and review the education records of the student
- Request amendment to education records
- Consent to disclose personally identifiable information contained in student education records, except to the extent that this procedure authorizes disclosure without consent
- File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if the District has failed to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. (FERPA).
These rights are detailed in Salem-Keizer policies and procedures, which can be found on the District website, in each school office or in the Office of the Superintendent.
District Policies
A child who is considered a resident of Oregon shall receive a free and appropriate education from the district in which the child resides. Except as provided in ORS 339.030, all children between the ages of 7 and 18 years who have not completed the 12th grade are required to attend regularly a public full-time school of the school district in which the child resides.
Official attendance policy of the district.
Alternate diploma options explained (modified, extended diploma, certificate requirement)
Describes the discipline process for student conduct and behavior issues. Also describes offenses and applicable consequences.
Entrance age requirements for admittance of children entering kindergarten and first grade.
The District's commitment to equal educational opportunities and treatment for all students is outlined in this administrative policy.
Describes the District's committed to equity for all students.
Classes and credits needed to meet the State Board of Educations' requirements to receive a high school diploma.
District policy to prevent access to inappropriate material via the Internet.
This brochure provides guidance for staff to establish boundaries with students.
Brochure describes flexible academic programs available to students who need more structure and guidance.
This work instruction describes the steps to prepare for and administer breathalyzer tests at school-sponsored major events including prom and homecoming. Students and guests will be randomly tested according to policy INS-A015-Student Search and Seizure.
Based on job classification, outlines what actions district staff should take when there is inclement weather or emergencies that cause a delayed school start, school closure, early release, and district closure
School officials have the authority to conduct searches of District property and the personal property of students based upon reasonable suspicion, and to seize unauthorized, illegal or unsafe materials, and/or identify unsafe conditions as a proactive response to keeping schools safe.
Brochure for parents/guardians that describes expected interactions between employees/volunteers and students as well as the steps for reporting concerns.
Rules for student use of electronics for academic and personal use within the District such as computers, tablets, smart phones, peripherals, networks, email, telecommunications, and internet connections.
Salem-Keizer Public School's Dress Code ensures safety, avoids marginalization, and allows students' personal expression within guidelines that prohibit offensive, dangerous, or inappropriate clothing.
Administrative policy on the sharing of student information.
Administrative policy outlining what fees students might be charged and how the district can pursue collection.
Find key information for students—including behavior expectations and consequences—to help maintain a positive and safe learning environment.
This packet is used to assure that student teachers are familiar with policies related to their service at the District.
This form gathers information necessary to place a student in the two-way immersion program.